Welcome to The Christmas Cabin's online shop!
We at The Christmas Cabin are delighted to introduce you to this, our all-new online shop!
With this latest addition to our repertoire, we’re hoping to streamline the process of putting orders into place for all of our wholesale customers. You’ll have full access to our entire range and even live stock updates so that you’ll be able to see exactly when we have your favourite items stored and available to buy immediately. If your product is listed as out of stock, then don’t worry – it could well be that we’re awaiting a shipment.
In order to get started with us, simply log in, create an account and make a purchase and we’ll match it to your pre-existing account data if you’re already a customer with us. If you’re new, we’ll make sure you’re loaded onto our system straightaway.
Don’t worry if you don’t see your discounts and deals from the start – any order you place with us will be checked and double-checked to ensure that you still receive that great Christmas Cabin value. Our experienced and dedicated support team is still on-hand to guarantee the very best in customer service should you have any questions or queries.
Should you be unsure about your order, or wish to make changes to an order that has already been put through, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on:
Email: sales@thechristmascabin.com
Or alternatively, call (+44) 01455 293097.
We’re extremely excited to see how everyone gets on with our new shop, and welcome any and all feedback. If you’re feeling especially pleased with our new site, then why not give us a review on Google or Trustpilot? Your advice is always welcome.